21st JULY - 1st september

Over the six Sunday’s during the summer holidays we’ll be doing things a bit differently on Sundays. We’ll be meeting at 9am and 10.15am still, but each gathering will look a bit different. At both gatherings over the summer we’ll be thinking about PEACE

The 9am gathering will be a quiet communion service in the side chapel. Our 10.15am gathering will be all age. We’ll be singing together, there will be a challenge to take part in, a short talk on Peace and a chance for us to respond together.

After our gatherings each week we’ll be having a picnic together on Parkers piece! Bring your own lunch or pick something up on the way over.


Here are two changes to the schedule…


Sunday 28th July is New Wine Sunday!

Join in with the New Wine Summer Festival from Cambridge - we’ll be tuning into the livestream of the Morning Celebration at church at 10:30am.

Come for 10am for refreshments


Sunday 1st September is Sunday FunDay!

Join us for a time of worship, fun & games to kickstart the year as a church family.

We’ll be gathering as a whole church at 10:15am (there’ll be no 9am gathering this day), for an all age gathering followed by a picnic and games at church.