Local Mission Fund


About this fund

St Barnabas sets aside some funding each year which it aims to distribute to local or locally based charitable Christian organisations for specific projects, where a member of St Barnabas is closely involved. Funding is awarded on an annual basis; if a project is expected to extend over more than one year, this should be indicated but funding in future years is not guaranteed and is subject to making an application each year.

Completed applications should be sent to mpg@stbs.org.uk, or to MPG c/o Rachel Cresswell, St Barnabas Church, Mill Road, Cambridge, CB1 2BD. Grants can be issued at any time of the year and there is no deadline for applications, as long as funds remain. For further information please contact Tim Smith, our Associate Vicar (Tim.smith@stbs.org.uk)

download an application form here:

Local Mission Fund Application Form (Word)