Application for enrolment on the Church Electoral Roll of the parish of St Barnabas, Cambridge.

  • The information collected on this form will be retained by your parish’s Electoral Roll Officer. Information other than name and postal address falls beyond the scope of the Church Electoral Roll.

  • The Church Electoral Roll is your parish’s record of those qualified to attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and to vote in elections to the parochial church council (PCC) and the deanery synod.

  • Any person entitled to attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting may also raise any question of parochial or general church interest.

  • If you enrol on the Church Electoral Roll you become a voting member of the Church of England and so help to ensure that the PCC, your deanery synod, the Ely Diocesan Synod and the General Synod are fully representative of the Church’s members.

  • Anyone wishing to stand for election to the parochial church council or deanery synod must have had his or her name entered on the Church Electoral Roll for not less than six months prior to the election (except in the case of those under the age of eighteen). He or she must also be at least sixteen years of age and an ‘actual communicant’ as defined in rule 54(1) of the Church Representation Rules.

    Synodical government:

  • gives an opportunity for partnership and collaboration between bishops, clergy and laity in the life of the Church;

  • enables church people at every level to be in touch with the Church as a whole and to play their part in decision-making;

  • ensures that the laity have their place in every aspect of church life.