Below you will find audio from our latest Barnabas Community Leaders’ Learning Community. This will be where we will place all resources related to Learning Communities.
May 2024 - Led by Simon and Ceri Harris
Leading in the fullness of Jesus
APEST test:
PDF of the Slides
Morning: Letting the life-giving water flow (Unblocking the streams of our hearts)
Afternoon: Understanding the grace you carry (Unwrapping the grace Jesus has given you - APEST)
MAY 2023 - Led by Anne Maclaurin
Here is a copy of the slides from the sessions - Slides PDF
May 2022 - led by nic harding
We welcomed back Nic Harding to give input at our Learning Community where he spoke on “Turning missional energy into communities of disciples.”
Nic is one of the founding pastors of Frontline church, Liverpool and is the leader of Kairos Connexion - the network we're part of that is all about raising missionary disciples -
Our time started on the Friday with "what is" by sharing testimonies of what God is doing in and through our communities. It then continued with an exercise addressing these two provocative questions from Dallas Willard: What is your plan for making disciples? Is it working?
On the Saturday Nic led us through "what could be" and our planning session "what will be" with sessions on Building community, Discipleship content, Discipleship framework and Discipleship carriers. It was an excellent time of learning and planning for the year ahead.
Here’s a PDF of Nic’s powerpoint
Handout for the Friday evening
Listen back to Mick’s teaching on Prayer, Discipleship and mission from our October Learning Community. Mick left us with the challenge to think of 3 achievable goals and 1 project for our communities.
Mick is the former senior leader at STC Sheffield (St Thomas Crookes). He is married to Tricia and under their twenty year leadership, STC saw significant growth through the development of the 'Cluster & Cell' movement with many hundreds of adults, teenagers and children meeting with Jesus and growing in their faith through these 'missional communities'. Mick & Tricia have three married children and six grandchildren - they are fast becoming professional babysitters! They love seeing people embrace their destiny as disciples of Jesus as they live his 24/7, naturally supernatural 'Better Life'.
OCTOBER 2020 - Led By John McGinley
At our recent Barnabas Communities’ Learning Community we heard some great teaching from John McGinley. Listen again to this input to hear John’s take on how we can share our faith.
This is the video reporting back from each Barnabas Community form our BCLC
Listen again to John’s talk from our Sunday online broadcast.