Mission-Shaped Living (BC)
Buy Mission Shaped Living here
An 8 session course written by John McGinley for your community that will build spiritual practices, vision, hope and confidence, so that sharing God’s love with others becomes a joy and not a burden. It comes with a leaders guide and a participants guide.
Inside Out (BC)
An 8 week course, developed by Nic Harding, that helps a regular small group transition to a missional one. As well as the normal functions around fellowship, prayer and bible study, the members of the group are enabled to find and develop a missional focus, encouraged to build sustainable rhythms of mission, and empowered to grow and multiply. A course book is required for each person (12 provided). The course is delivered by a mixture of video and written input with exercises.
A 4 week course, developed by Nic Harding, for church members to grow in missional confidence. Through a mixture of video and hosted sessions, members will grow in 3 confidences – confidence to tell their faith story, to talk about Jesus, and to invite people to something. A host facilitator’s guide and course book are provided. Dozens of churches have used this simple but powerful tool to raise the levels of gospel confidence and equip people to share their faith.
The Prayer Course (BC)
An eight week journey that will help you and your community to grow and deepen your prayer life. The Prayer course is easy to run. Each week of the course is made up of a video, discussion questions and practical prayer activities.